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Cello Suites
Benjamin Britten

Quirine Viersen

Cello Suites

Price: € 19.95
Format: CD
Label: Globe
UPC: 8711525525900
Catnr: GLO 5259
Release date: 29 July 2016
1 CD
✓ in stock
€ 19.95
Catalogue number
GLO 5259
Release date
29 July 2016

"(...) She also expresses certain elements—particularly the slides in Suite 3—with humor that balances the angry attitude necessary for much of this music. Her intonation is excellent as well. (...)"

ARG, 15-3-2017

About the album

This release of the Britten Cello Suites follows Quirine Viersen’s successful album of the Bach Suites. The album is a tribute to the artist’s good friend and producer Paul Janse, who passed away two years ago. Dutch cellist Quirine Viersen is one of the leading musical personalities of her generation. Her intense and virtuosic playing has convinced the public, the press, and her colleagues of her special musicality. She has shown broad insight in classical music literature with her concerto and recital performances as well as her festival participation. Viersen has been awarded numerous prizes at international competitions, the most important being the Young Artist Award in 2000 which was presented to her by the Credit Suisse Groupe. Viersen plays a 1715 Joseph Guarnerius Filius Andreae, provided by the Dutch National Instrument Fund.
De Cellosuites van Britten
Na het succes van haar opnames van de Cellosuites van Bach, zette celliste Quirine Viersen koers naar die andere Mount Everest van het repertoire voor solo cello: de Cellosuites van Britten. De weg daar naartoe was echter niet vanzelfsprekend. Viersen, die met de klank van haar instrument in haar oren was opgegroeid, wijdde zich aanvankelijk vooral toe aan de werken van Bach. Britten dook slechts af en toe op als een korte flirt. Maar haar goede vriend en producent Paul Janse bracht de composities van Britten weer ter sprake, en deze keer werd Viersen gegrepen door de fascinatie die van Brittens muziek uitgaat.

De vroegtijdige dood van Janse in 2014 voorkwam dat Viersen het album met de Cellosuites van Britten in dat jaar uitbracht, maar twee jaar later leek de tijd rijp. Haar eerbetoon aan deze inspirerende vriendschap toont aan dat Janse gelijk had toen hij veronderstelde dat deze muziek Viersen als een handschoen paste. Haar stijl geeft deze muziek een unieke ‘zangerige’ kwaliteit, die op veel andere albums ontbreekt. Dit luxueuze album vormt een ideale aanvulling op Viersens album met de Bachsuites.

Het Parool beloonde deze opname met het maximale aantal 5-sterren :" Met name in de langzame delen, waarin Britten zijn getourmenteerde ziel blootlegde, gaat Viersen tot de kern. En wat klinkt haar cello schitterend."

„Wenn man nach guter Musik für Cello solo mit der gleichen starken Aussage wie die von Bach sucht, führen alle Straßen letztendlich zu Britten.“ Der Weg dorthin war für Quirine Viersen jedoch nicht ganz so direkt. Die Cellistin, die mit dem Klang ihres Instrumentes in den Ohren aufgewachsen ist, hatte sich zunächst den Werken Bachs in einer langen Beziehung gewidmet – Britten blitzte darin lediglich wie ein kurzer Flirt auf. Doch Freund und Produzent Paul Janse brachte Brittens Kompositionen abermals aufs Tapet und diesmal wurde Quirine Viersen von der Faszination gepackt, die von Brittens Musik ausgeht. Mit dieser Aufnahme von Brittens Cellosuiten gedenkt sie ihrem langjährigen Freund, der 2014 verstarb.


Quirine Viersen

Dutch cellist Quirine Viersen belongs internationally to the leading musical personalities of her generation. With her powerful, intense and virtuoso playing, she has convinced the public, as well as the press and colleague musicians of her special musicality. With her performance in concerto and recital and with her participation at festivals, she has shown a broad insight in classical music literature. Quirine was a winner of various prizes at national and international competitions, such as the Rostropovich Competition in 1990 in Paris, the International Cello Competition in Helsinki in 1991, and in1994 Quirine Viersen was the first Dutch musician to win a prize at the Tchaikovsky Competition in Moscow. In that same year she also received the Dutch Music Award. The most...
Dutch cellist Quirine Viersen belongs internationally to the leading musical personalities of her generation. With her powerful, intense and virtuoso playing, she has convinced the public, as well as the press and colleague musicians of her special musicality. With her performance in concerto and recital and with her participation at festivals, she has shown a broad insight in classical music literature.
Quirine was a winner of various prizes at national and international competitions, such as the Rostropovich Competition in 1990 in Paris, the International Cello Competition in Helsinki in 1991, and in1994 Quirine Viersen was the first Dutch musician to win a prize at the Tchaikovsky Competition in Moscow. In that same year she also received the Dutch Music Award.
The most important prize awarded to her up to now was the Young Artist Award 2000 which was presented to her by the Credit Suisse Groupe. Attached to this prize Quirine performed a concert with the Vienna Philharmonic orchestra conducted by Zubin Mehta during the Luzerner Festival 2000.
Quirine received her first cello lessons from her father, Yke Viersen, cellist in the Royal Concertgebouw Orchestra. Later at the conservatory she received lessons from Jean Decroos and Dmitri Ferschtman. She closed her studies at the Mozarteum Salzburg in 1997 as a student of Heinrich Schiff.
Since then Quirine has performed with orchestras and conductors such as; Hessische Radio Orchestra/Hugh Wolff, Israel Philharmonic Orchestra/Georges Pehlivanian, Malmö Symphony Orchestra/ Lawrence Renes, Netherlands Philharmonic Orchestra, Radio Philharmonic Orchestra, Royal Concertgebouw Orchestra with Herbert Blomstedt, Ingo Metzmacher and Bernard Haitink, St. Petersburg Philharmonic Orchestra/Valery Gergiev, Staatsorchester Rheinische Philharmonie, Tokyo Metropolitan Symphony Orchestra/Jean Fournet , Ulster Orchestra, Vienna Chamber Orchestra/Heinrich Schiff, Vienna Philharmonic Orchestra/Zubin Mehta.
Quirine is also in great demand as a chamber music performer. She is a regular guest at festivals such as the Delft Chamber Music Festival, Stavanger Festival, the Mondsee Tage and has performed at the famous Luzerner Festwochen, the Salzburger Festspiele and the Risör Festival in Norway.
Besides duo-partner pianist Silke Avenhaus, with whom Quirine forms a duo since 1996, Quirine plays regularly with musicains, such as; Antje Weithaas, Benjamin Schmid and Hanna Weinmeister. Quirine was also invited by Leonidas Kavakos to play some sextet programs with him.
With Silke Avenhaus she obtained an important place in the international concert life. They have recorded 5 CD’s with works from romantic to contemporary composers.
Magazine Fono Forum wrote about them: “ The first part of Brahms’ cello sonata in e minor has seldom been played so beautiful in detail as well as so organic in its entirety”. “Even Chopins’ Polonaise Brilliant seems to make technical poor demands on these two musicians”.
In 2011 Quirine had a tour through The Netherlands with Cello Suites of Bach. Which she also recorded on Globe. The Strad wrote about this recording: “Quirine Viersen’s interpretations of the Cello Suites are characterised by poise, imagination and a pleasing sense of fantasy.” Next to the recital recordings Quirine has also recorded a.o. R. Glière’s cello concerto, together with the Royal Flemish Orchestra and Marc Soustrot, and together with the Combattimento Consort Amsterdam she recorded both Haydn’s celloconcertos.
In coming seasons she will perform with orchestras such as The Hague Philharmonic Orchestra, Amsterdam Sinfonietta, Netherlands Philharmonic Orchestra, Combattimento Consort Amsterdam. In the domain of chamber music she will go on tour with Antje Weithaas and Silke Avenhaus. Quirine will perform all Bach Suites again.
Quirine Viersen plays a 1715 Joseph Guarnerius Filius Andreae , kindly provided by the Dutch National Instrument Fund.



Benjamin Britten

Benjamin Britten is one most important British composers from the second half of the twentieth century. Remarkably, he focused on opera, a dying genre, at least in its current form. Britten's contributions however, among which Peter Grimes, The Rape of Lucretia, Gloriana, The Turn of the Screw, and Death in Venice, managed to remain core repertoire for opera companies to this day. Many of these productions included a role for his artistic partner and life companion Peter Pears. Britten also wrote a number of lieder for this tenor, among which his Serenade for tenor, horn and string orchestra. Yet, Britten excelled in many more genres. He wasn't even 20 years old when he composed his brilliant Phantasy for hobo quartet and his friendship with...

Benjamin Britten is one most important British composers from the second half of the twentieth century. Remarkably, he focused on opera, a dying genre, at least in its current form. Britten's contributions however, among which Peter Grimes, The Rape of Lucretia, Gloriana, The Turn of the Screw, and Death in Venice, managed to remain core repertoire for opera companies to this day. Many of these productions included a role for his artistic partner and life companion Peter Pears. Britten also wrote a number of lieder for this tenor, among which his Serenade for tenor, horn and string orchestra. Yet, Britten excelled in many more genres. He wasn't even 20 years old when he composed his brilliant Phantasy for hobo quartet and his friendship with the legendary cellist Rostropovich led to a Cello sonata, three Suites for cello solo and a Symphony for Cello and orchestra in the 1960s.

Britten never became Master of the Queen's Music, yet he surely had feeling for public sentiments. For example, as a pacifist, he taught his people about world peace through his War Requiem from 1962. Britten was an excellent interpreter of his own work, just like Bartók and Stravinsky. Many of his recordings have been matched, but never exceeded.



(...) She also expresses certain elements—particularly the slides in Suite 3—with humor that balances the angry attitude necessary for much of this music. Her intonation is excellent as well. (...)
ARG, 15-3-2017

From the jury report: "This cd radiates from all sides the immense care and good taste that Quirine Viersen has in her approach of the three suites for cello solo by Benjamin Britten. Her meticulous performance takes you with her to another world."
Edison nomination, 19-10-2016

Luister - Juli 2016
Luister, 19-7-2016

Het Parool, 25 Mei 2016
Het Parool, 25-5-2016

"[...] Viersens honor to Britten and her friend Janse is touching."
Trouw, 13-5-2016

***** "Viersens accolade to Britten and her friend Janse is an emotional hit."
Trouw, 13-5-2016

opus klassiek - juni 2016
opusklassiek, 01-5-2016

Play album Play album
Suite No. 1, Op. 72: Canto primo. Sostenuto e largamente
(Benjamin Britten) Quirine Viersen
Suite No. 1, Op. 72: I. Fuga. Andante moderato
(Benjamin Britten) Quirine Viersen
Suite No. 1, Op. 72: II. Lamento. Lento rubato
(Benjamin Britten) Quirine Viersen
Suite No. 1, Op. 72: Canto secondo. Sostenuto
(Benjamin Britten) Quirine Viersen
Suite No. 1, Op. 72: III. Serenata. Allegretto: pizzicato
(Benjamin Britten) Quirine Viersen
Suite No. 1, Op. 72: IV. Marcia. Alla marcia moderato
(Benjamin Britten) Quirine Viersen
Suite No. 1, Op. 72: Canto terzo. Sostenuto
(Benjamin Britten) Quirine Viersen
Suite No. 1, Op. 72: V. Bordone. Moderato quasi recitativo
(Benjamin Britten) Quirine Viersen
Suite No. 1, Op. 72: VI. Moto perpetuo e Canto quatro. Presto
(Benjamin Britten) Quirine Viersen
Suite No. 2, Op. 80: I. Declamato. Largo
(Benjamin Britten) Quirine Viersen
Suite No. 2, Op. 80: II. Fuga. Andante
(Benjamin Britten) Quirine Viersen
Suite No. 2, Op. 80: III. Scherzo. Allegro molto
(Benjamin Britten) Quirine Viersen
Suite No. 2, Op. 80: IV. Andante lento
(Benjamin Britten) Quirine Viersen
Suite No. 2, Op. 80: V. Ciaccona. Allegro
(Benjamin Britten) Quirine Viersen
Suite No. 3, Op. 87: I. Introduzione. Lento
(Benjamin Britten) Quirine Viersen
Suite No. 3, Op. 87: II. Marcia. Allegro
(Benjamin Britten) Quirine Viersen
Suite No. 3, Op. 87: III. Canto. Con moto
(Benjamin Britten) Quirine Viersen
Suite No. 3, Op. 87: IV. Barcarola. Lento
(Benjamin Britten) Quirine Viersen
Suite No. 3, Op. 87: V. Dialogo. Allegretto
(Benjamin Britten) Quirine Viersen
Suite No. 3, Op. 87: VI. Fuga. Andante espressivo
(Benjamin Britten) Quirine Viersen
Suite No. 3, Op. 87: VII. Recitativo. Fantastico
(Benjamin Britten) Quirine Viersen
Suite No. 3, Op. 87: VIII. Moto perpetuo. Presto
(Benjamin Britten) Quirine Viersen
Suite No. 3, Op. 87: IX. Passacaglia. Lento solenne - Three Russian folk songs and Requiem melody
(Benjamin Britten) Quirine Viersen
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